Sat, 12 October 2013
Girl Sex 101 is roadtrip sex-ed comic book erotica, where the story "drives home" lessons about pleasure, anatomy, sexy communication skills, consent, and the 1,001 ways to pleasure a woman. Join sex educator & author of the Tales of the Pack (lesbian werewolves) books Allison Moon and I at the Fruitopia loft for a lubricating discussion of what anyone can learn from women having sex. In Girl Sex 101, Jamie and her ex Layla are driving a van from Vancouver to San Diego, and sexy adventures ensue. Allison and porn comic artist kd diamond of Salacious Magazine are creating a feminist, pleasure-positive, and consent-oriented sex education comic-book story to help women of all orientations understand their bodies and their partners. For example, in the first chapter, Layla has a hard time speaking up about what she likes in bed with a hot femme she picks up. Later on, Jamie finds herself in bed with a trans guy and doesn't quite know how to talk with him about his body. Meanwhile, Layla wants to communicate her STI status to a new flame, while Jamie navigates fooling around with an old crush with a disability. Girl Sex 101 also features sex-ed superstars Megan Andelloux, Tristan Taormino, Jiz Lee, Carol Queen, Nina Hartley, Sex Nerd Sandra, Reid Mihalko, Kelly Shibari and YOU! Allison wants to hear from you on Twitter and Tumblr, and you can be a part of the genesis of Girl Sex 101 on Kickstarter -- if they can raise just over $1000 more Girl Sex 201 will happen with more advanced topics like kink, non-monogamy, fisting, oh my!
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