Wed, 21 October 2020
Sacred Kink Courtesan Francesca Gentille is also starting a new online sensual sex-education project as well. Since most people are getting their sex-ed from porn, GASM-TV's mission is to excite and educate, bringing healing & transcendence. We also discuss healing from the wounds of culture, as GASM-TV has a vision for healthy, empowered sexuality for everyone worldwide. Tantrica Evalena Rose will reveal how her "Femifesting" meditations will help you line in and experience your exciting future successes right now in this present moment. You can try one of her Femifesting meditations free on her website. Plus, learn how spark with your own and others' sexual energy sharing oxytocin, the love and bonding hormone, even though we are separated by screens! Evalena's tantric solo erotic dance is just the thing to add to a self-pleasuring practice when you have been sheltering-in-place too long. Sexploration with Monika's latest sexy philosophical explorations of tech, tantra, & kinky sex with plenty of giggles & guffaws from comedian Paul Brumbaugh of the Edge of Insanity. |