Sexploration with Monika
Sexploration with Monika
Masquerotica 2013: Costumes & Consent Are Sexy

You can join me live on location at the epic sf sexy-party Masquerotica with Club Exotica, Bondage-A-Go-Go, Syd Gris, Cabaret de Caliente, Barron Scott Levkoff of Kinky Salon, Dark Garden, Mama Fou, and Clod Hop with Carnival Fantastique, Joegh of Anon Salon and so much mmmore! We'll describe the sights, sounds, eye-popping costumes and sexy goings-on, how to make a sexy corset that's COMFORTABLE, and all the myriad of ways to get consent (so you can make sure the person you are touching actually enjoys it) including the ever-so blackbelt move the "ask without asking." Masquerotica is an annual sexy pre-Halloween costume party that dares to discourage touristing and bad manners by outlawing street clothes, looky-loos, and unwanted advances. It's a "second base" party so consensual hugging, kissing, making out, above-the-waist groping/frotterage/fondling/pleasurable touching are A-OK. You'll hear Wes and I be surprised by some light and very exhibitionist BDSM play "cropping up" just before our eyes.  

Direct download: Sexploration131019_Masquerotica2013.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:26pm PST