Sexploration with Monika
Sexploration with Monika
Sexual economics: monogamy, scarcity, and abundance!

You may not think of sex as an economy, but think about how fear and optimism can affect the market. Now, think about how we are supposed to think about sex and relationships in our culture. The economy, the market, and stock prices can go up or down just because people are afraid of scarcity, afraid of lost jobs, or conversely feeling optimistic about the future and believing that something will make a lot of money. In sexuality, we're supposed to be monogamous, there's the idea of "the one," and supposedly the worst thing in the world is to be alone. Everyone is afraid of being alone, and if you want love and intimacy, multiple partner relationships are considered "dirty" or "cheating" by many people. Have you ever experienced a sense of scarcity in your sex life? Could you see sexuality as a kind of economy, and what would it take for you to feel "rich" and optimistic about love? How does no-other-option-for-love monogamy function in our sexual economy? We'll discuss the economics of sex and relationships with sexY-party expert Polly Whittaker of Kinky Salon. How is scarcity enforced in our sexualities, for instance: shame, fear of loneliness, and the commodification of "hotness." Find out how to become more free, have more authenticity and how to create abundance (in your pants)!!

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