Fri, 26 October 2012
You can join author Janet Hardy and I at the Wicked Grounds kinky coffeeshop for a discussion of sex, musicals, gender, being highly sexual, being in love with gay men, unfolding the mysteries of hanky code, fluidity, beyond binaries, and consent at a book reading of her new book, "GirlFag: a Life told in Sex and Musicals." Janet Hardy co-wrote the Ethical Slut, The Topping Book, The Bottoming Book, and many other sex-positive classics with Dossie Easton. Janet's latest book details her life as a girlfag, visits girlfags past and present like the girlfag pharaoh of Egypt and a British expat writer in South Africa. Girlfag, while gleefully recalling musical theatre numbers, also sifts through the shifting meanings of gender and sexual orientation. Monika wonders if she too is not just a "fruit fly," but also a girlfag. Janet has also started a new book publishing house, Beyond Binary, and we discuss how fun it is to slide between things both literally and figuratively. |
Fri, 19 October 2012
You can slink into Kinky Salon's Pussyfest, San Francisco's friskiest sex party. We'll talk about how social networking is leading to more authenticity and sex-positivity with Eamon Armstrong the Minister of Purpleganda for Masquerotica, plus Wicked Grounds SF's kinky coffeeshop co-owner PsychoKitty dishes about his favorite tricks with dog bowls and miles of hemp rope, then the deliciously feathery Belle Phénomène tells us how she went from a life of abuse and slut-shaming to being proud of being authentically her own beautiful freak through burlesque! Thanks to Richard Wang Photography for the photo of Belle! Meow.
Direct download: Sexploration120915_PussyfestKinkySalon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:42am PDT |
Mon, 15 October 2012
You can join us right now on location at the Folsom Street Fair, where hundreds of thousands of sexy fetish, latex, & leather-clad party-goers pack themselves onto Folsom street in San Francisco's SoMa District. Scott Levkoff, co-founder of the Kinky Salon sex party, is at the Masquerotica booth primping the tentacled post-apocalyptic angels of sexy-wierditude, corseted, headressed, and protuberantly costumed himself (Thanks to RCW Photography for the photo of Scott!). Also, we track down Bent who started a Kinky Salon in Copenhagen, Denmark What's it like starting your own Kinky Salon? How do you create a party that is sexy, relaxed, and friendly? How does the very San Francisco Kinky Salon translate to other cultures? |
Thu, 11 October 2012
Can strip tease be healing? You can join me at a burlesque scholarship benefit for victims of rape, sexual abuse, domestic violence, and eating disorders - can learning sexy dance moves (and how to take it off in a way that is scintillating rather than awkward) actually be a part of a healing and empowerment process? How can learning burlesque shimmies (and that awesome twirling pasties helicopter thing) help you reclaim your body (as it is in the moment) and your sense of "sexy-self-hood?" We'll talk to a woman who said it's changed her life - not just now there's glitter all over everything. Dance instructor Bombshell Betty's empowerment-plus-shimmy scholarship program transformed scholarship recipient and survivor Vahalla Voom's life from not-that-glittery to healed joyful self-confidence body-positivity with extra fringe, tiger stripes, bonus openness, and new friends. MC Odessa Lil agrees taking your clothes off on stage is an act of agency and protest in a sex-negative world. We are only bummed that we missed Lynn Ruth Miller, the Stripping Granny at "All Kinds of Sexy." :( Thanks to Alex Akamine for the lovely photo of Tanqueray Von Grafenburg! |
Sat, 6 October 2012
You've probably heard, "what was she wearing?" or "why was she in his bedroom?" as someone talks about rape. Why do we blame the victim instead of the rapist? Even a police officer during a safety class in Toronto said, to remain safe "women should avoid dressing like sluts." Thousands of people protested in front of the Toronto police department, and the SlutWalk movement began. SlutWalk marches have spread throughout the US, Berlin, India, Morocco, Singapore and all over the globe. Join us as we celebrate slut-positivity and consent culture at San Francisco's Slut Walk 2012. We'll talk to Tommi Avicolli Mecca about Stonewall, the Gay Liberation Front in the 70's & connections between transgender violence and slut-shaming. We'll also talk about protecting sex-workers from rape and a new law claiming to protect victims of human sex trafficking. Maxine Doogan, founder of the Erotic Service Provider Legal Educational and Research Project has shocking finding about the horrible fine print in this law, abuse by police and explains how Prop 35 makes sex workers even more vulnerable. You don't have to be a slut to benefit from living in a slut-positive world. Jadelynn Stahl, one of the organizers of SlutWalk SF Bay, deconstructs how social power and sexual power are affected by victim-blaming, slut-shaming, and infantilizing the rapist. How we can speak out & claim our right to safety no matter where we are, what we're doing, or what clothes we're wearing - if we're sluts and even if we're not sluts!? |