Sun, 29 January 2012
When you're at a party, after you introduce yourself, what's the first thing people usually ask you? "What do you do?" When you're a sex-worker and you perform some kind or erotic service from dancing to sex for money, what do you say? Do you lie and tell them you're a life coach? Or do you tell them and deal with their slut-shaming judgement or sudden obtuse prurient interest (you're a sex worker so clearly you want to talk about or have sex all the time? Not.) What do if you are a sex-worker and your client falls in love with you? What do you do if you fall in love with a client? We'll talk to the dangerously smart pre-law Sandy Bottoms of the Lusty Lady (the only unionized and worker-operated peep show), and queer sex worker, size activist, and pleasure activist for people with disabilities, Kitty Stryker. We'll also explore SWOP (Sex Worker Outreach Project), discuss the difference between the male gaze and the female gaze in porn and strip clubs, and how to make space for a more aggressive female sexuality. Look out. With Token Straight Guy comedian Paul Brumbaugh of the Edge of Insanity. |
Tue, 17 January 2012
Do you want to have good sex for the rest of your life? So does Nancy, a self-described "pure sexual being," health educator, wellness coach, yoga therapist, wife, mother, grandmother, registered nurse, and creator of the Erotikos Film Festival at the notorious Hedonism Resort in Jamaica. We'll explore the difference between erotica and porn, ethical porn and unethical porn. Listen as Nancy takes us to the Hedonism Resort for a dip into sensuality, play, peak life experiences, and getting your mojo back. Token Straight Guy comedian Malcolm Grissom of the Verve Show would like to do some yoga to fit into Nancy's suitcase. Plus, in the “As You Desire” Sex and Relationship Blog, and her “Guide for Men to Unlock Your Woman's Sexual Desire,” Nancy wants to share secrets about juicy sacred sex for a lifetime and how to keep the spark of desire alive. Can pleasure have a higher purpose? Do you want connections that are both sexy and deep? For a lifetime? Which brings us to the work of Rabbi Ed Weinsberg Ed.D. The two most common cancers in men and women are prostate cancer and breast cancer and both affect our sense of our sexual self. However Rabbi Ed has been there and back, and his passion is helping anyone have great sex, pleasure, and intimacy after cancer. What really are your "sex organs" anyway, and is your definition limiting your pleasure? Can we expand our definitions and expand our ability to experience pleasure?
Sat, 14 January 2012
How does feminism lead to better, more authentically open sex, pleasure-seeking and sharing, the possibility of threesomes, and women who are not afraid to be sexy? Join us for oysters & mimosas on Michelle’s sunny patio. We discuss why feminism leads to the ability to be more giving, juicier and more empowered relationships, and authentic sexual power. How moving away from women-competing-with-women can lead to better business, more fun, and in other situations... even threesomes with no drama! Plus sex-positive feminists Vanessa and Ginger on the joys, rewards, and “dangers” of flirting with feminists. Vanessa is San Francisco's sluttiest blogger Fleur De Lis SF and Ginger produces Whore! Magazine. How the message “sex should be fun” is actually quite serious and critically, crucially important in sex education. You can attend "Bang Bang Whore Speaks!," the release party for the 3rd issue of Whore! Magazine Thursday, January 19th 2012 at The Red Devil Lounge with reading, poetry, music and burlesque honoring female power, inclusion, creativity, and outspoken sexuality. What is more important to "sexy?" How sexy looks, or how sexy feels? |
Fri, 6 January 2012
You can explore the glittering wunderworld of the Sea of Dreams New Year's Eve party in San Francisco as Sexploration with Monika goes on location. This is your ticket to a night of gold mirror-ball hoop dancers, klowns, a rainbow of costumed aerialists, the fantasy circus, a forest of fractals, time machines, and interactive music you can create, and a kaledescope of looking at the other self that is you. We'll speak with love tech-nicians, artists, sexy party scientists... asking what does it mean about our culture that everyone comes together to celebrate the end of every year? why is the clock ticking from 11:59 12/31 to 12:00 1/1 such a big deal that 7,000 costumed merry makers are cheering, hugging, kissing, and cuddling random strangers at the stroke of midnight? (Photo of Erin Shredder taken by Raymond Van Tassel.) In this longer Sea of Dreams podcast, we also connect with phantom captains, artists, and pleasurevolutionaries like Rich and Justin of Love Tech, Fuzzy Phillipe of Club Exotica, in-the-moment/graffiti-inspired artist Ian Ross, plus we'll speak with another Amrita Bollywood dancer the founder of the group, Julie Marquez, about "Amrita." The last time I heard the word "amrita" it was during the discussion of a rather black-belt kind of orgasm, so I had to talk to the dancers about how "amrita" had to do with bollywood dancing? Everyone is celebrating and coming together to party, but we all make up different reasons why it must be so important to celebrate New Year's Eve and kiss random people at midnight? |
Tue, 3 January 2012
You can join us in the glittering wunderworld Sea of Dreams as Sexploration with Monika goes on location. This is just a taste of the night with gold mirror-ball hoop dancers, klowns, a rainbow of costumed aerialists, the fantasy circus, a forest of fractals, time machines, and interactive music you can create, and a kaledescope of looking at the other self that is you. We'll speak now with Ileana of the Amrita Bollywood dancers. The last time I heard the word "amrita" it was during the discussion of a rather black-belt kind of orgasm, and I couldn't figure out how that had to do with bollywood dancing, so... (Photo of the Zenotope Collective taken by Raymond Van Tassel.) This is just to tease you for the longer Sea of Dreams podcast, (and this interview won't be in the longer Sea of Dreams episode), the longer episode is soon to come! |