Sexploration with Monika
Sexploration with Monika
Live w/ Midori @ 8-Course Gourmet Erotic Dinner

How can you almost psychically tease the deepest, most delicious fantasy out of your partner's mind? Almost an hour of sex-intellectual on-location interviews from the 8-course gourmet dinner with the best female bondage rigger in the whole world, Midori, sex educator, and artist. We'll also speak with Fleur de Lis SF, San Francisco's Sluttiest Blogger aka Vanessa Pinto, and Ultra Violet - and more bay-area sex positive glitterati. We'll talk about everything from how to be more sexually empowered, feminine dominance, authenticity, to why the caviar service here isn't just scandalously culinarily incorrect but also (oh) so mind-blowingly lip-smacking good to making everyday household objects into sex toys for BDSM fantasies - which ones are safe for sex play and which ones aren't! More on the connection between food and sex, how you can take caviar or any kind of cuisine to the next level (recipes for pleasure)... how to avoid the thorny bits of sexual freedom and enjoy the good stuff, and the mysterious but magically effective making-out-with-other-people boomerang effect. If you're craving an evening like this where desire is celebrated, you'll need to request a personal invitation via e-mail sexplorationwithmonika(at) You can get a $50 discount on Midori's ForteFemme Women's Dominance Weekend Intensive with discount code "monika" in San Francisco July 20th to July 23rd, 2012 and New York Nov 2-4, 2012. Mmmmmmpower(ment), yum. 

Direct download: Sexploration120421_8CourseGourmetLive.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:10pm PST

Food & Sex: Tease @ 8-Course Gourmet Erotic Dinner

If awareness, mental focus, or consciousness makes food taste better, what does it do to your sex life? Ken is the Soux Chef at the 8-Course Gourmet Dinner. He's also a martial artist and practices meditation. One of the kinds of meditation he practices is called "stroking" and is associated with the practives of "Deliberate Orgasm," Orgasmic Meditation," or "Full-Body Expanded Orgasm." We'll discuss how presence in the moment is connected to sex and eroticism and how it can make you more responsive, more connected to your emotions, and able to generate more pleasure. Ken will reveal an exciting secret he discovered about vulnerability being quite the opposite of weakness! Plus, how did this new sense of vulnerability strengthen his martial arts practice? We'll discuss other interesting effects of 11-hours of silent meditation and the daily practice of the "stroking" meditation affected more than just his mind - or his sex life. If you are craving an evening where desire is celebrated, request an invitation via e-mail at sexplorationwithmonika(at), and more interviews from the 8-course gourmet dinner still to come with Midori, San Francisco' Sluttiest Blogger Fleur de Lis, Ultra Violet, and more of SF's sex-positive glitterati about everything from teasing a fantasy out of your partner's mind, to "pervertable" household items that can be sex toys, to sexual emowerment, and which aphrodesiac is very nutritious, making an excellent salad!

Direct download: Sexploration120421_EroticDinnerLiveTease.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:37pm PST

Strip Clubs & Cupcakes for Social Justice

You can join the 3 sex-positeers on a cupcake-delivering mission to strip clubs for social justice with Laura Lasky of & Fleur De Lis SF's Sluttiest Blogger. You'll learn how something as sweet but insubstantial as a cupcake can help empower women and men in the adult entertainment industries. We're visiting strip clubs in North Beach, and discuss why/how it's important to show up and be there to help people. As a ex-pastor's wife and ex-sex-worker, Laura Lasky says that sex work is different in what it does for you and to you than any other profession. SolaceSF offers medical exams, counseling services, career counseling, and help with adult education, personal development, or recovery programs as needed. How can a person have a relationship with spirituality as a sex-worker, especialy as traditional interpretations of Christianity disparage sex-work? We also discuss other sex-workeroutreach projects like SWOP and how important it is to have a community, especially if you are in a profession as stigmatized, complex, and potentially dangerous (and rewarding) as all the different kinds of sex work can be.

Direct download: Sexploration120425_Cupcakes4Justice.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:32pm PST