Sexploration with Monika
Sexploration with Monika
Kinky Salon Confessions

You've listened to her discuss founding the ​S​an F​ransexuals' sparkliest sex party, Kinky Salon... she's known as Polly Glamourous, Polly Superstar, latex designer & purveyor Polly Pandemonium... and author of the memoir "Polly Sex Culture Revolutionary!" Now, Polly Whittaker has her very own podcast! It's called "Kinky Salon Confessions" and I was on it talking about polyamory, relationship anarchy, being a sex-positive prude, and making sex culture revolutionaries and organizations more grounded through real estate. Enjoy!

Direct download: Sexploration160105_SexCultureConfessions2013.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:30am PST